Sunday Worship: 10AM

Check here each week for information to prepare your heart for the upcoming sermon and follow-up questions you can use after the sermon to dig deeper and disciple your family!


Glorifying God Through Unjust Suffering

January 21, 2024
By Pastor Jathan

Glorifying God Through Unjust Suffering-  1 Peter 2:18-23




Our Calling - ____________________________ - vv18,21


Our Blessing - ____________________________ - vv19-20


Our Example - ____________________________ - vv21-23


Digging Deeper:

  • Why does following Christ often lead to suffering?
  • What are we tempted to do when we are mistreated?  What does this text tell us to do?
  • How was Christ able to endure unjust suffering?
  • How does God use our suffering for good?

Other passages to consider: 

Isa 53; Mt 5:11-12; 16:24-28; Lk 6:32-35; Jn 15:18-25; Rom 12:17-21; 2 Cor 1:3-11; 4:8-11; Phil 3:10; 2 Tim 3:12; 1 Pet 1:3-9; 4:12-19.