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Sunday Worship: 10AM

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Posts Tagged "Missions"

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Posts Tagged "Missions"

We Are in This Together!

September 13, 2017
By Pastor Jathan

Sermon – We are in this together! – Colossians 4:7-18

Preparing your heart for the sermon:

  • Why does Paul close his letter by mentioning so many people by name?
  • What do the metaphors for the Church teach us about what our church life should look like?
  • Why do we refer to the outreach and missions of AGC as “Ministry Partners”?

Other passages to consider: Jn. 17; Col. 1:24-2:3; 1 Cor 12:12-27; Eph. 4:1-16; 1 Th. 2:1-8

Digging Deeper:

  • How does the Gospel empower us to love and serve one another? – Phil 1:27-2:11
  • How is God glorified as we do the “one-another’s” of Scripture?
  • Why are we often hesitant to share our lives with each other?
  • How is God calling me to serve the Body? Who could I invite to serve with me?

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