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Sunday Worship: 10AM

Check here each week for information to prepare your heart for the upcoming sermon and follow-up questions you can use after the sermon to dig deeper and disciple your family!


The Marvelous Diversity of Oneness

September 14, 2018
By Pastor Jathan

The Marvelous Diversity of Oneness –

1 Corinthians 12:4-11

Preparing my heart for the sermon:

  • Why does Paul reference the Trinity in vv4-6?
  • What is significant about Paul calling spiritual gifts – gifts of grace?
  • What is the purpose of spiritual gifts? 

Other passages to consider: Joel 2:28-29; Romans 12:3-8; 1 Cor 12-14; Eph 4:1-16; 1 Pet 4:7-11

Digging Deeper:

  • How is God glorified through gifting his people in such a diverse way?
  • How does a diversity of gifts help strengthen the Body of Christ?
  • What is a spiritual gift?  Who gets them?
  • How should I discover and use my spiritual gift?